Graduation Day 2016-17

A day to remember

We at L&G Learning were  so proud of the hard work and effort that our Modern Apprenticeship learners put in to achieving their Modern Apprentice awards that we couldn't let it go by without a celebration.

So with a little spit and polish and the fairy lights to add a bit of magic to the room we set about preparing for our guests to arrive.  Balloons where inflated, flowers where arranged, food was prepared and the bubbly was put in the fridge to chill. 

Our Angelica and Jemma where in and out of the office so many times, picking up the items that were needed for the day, that they had blisters on the soles of their feet (a sight I did not need to see).

When our guests began to arrive we welcomed them with a sense of trepidation, as we knew how important it was to try and make the day an enjoyable and memorable event. So up stepped Lorna our intrepid leader to take charge as she does. Leading the way, with the view of making the learners the center of attention. The presentation ably supported by Angelica, Jemma, Charis, Jacqui and Andrew, went off without a hitch. As Lorna, taking great pride in being able to be part of this group of graduates journey in the pursuit of their goals and dreams presented each of them with their certificate of achievement.

The video link above hopefully will bring back some good memories of a great day.

Good luck and best wishes to all gradutes of 2016-17